Yard Gates Closed at 9:30am - Do Not Open!
Posted on 04/30/2023

Harvest Hills Parents and Guardians,


We have had several incidents lately where parents/guardians are opening the EAST and WEST yard access gates after they are closed at 9:30am by our staff. When the gates are closed they MUST NOT be opened due to the SAFE SCHOOLS ACT.

Yard supervision ends promptly when the bell rings at 9:30am. Opening the gates after this time not only sends your own student into an unsupervised area but you also risk other students exiting the property without supervision.


If the gates are closed, you must take your students to the front doors, ring the bell and have them signed in by the office. Failure to follow this procedure will result in unattended and/or missing students for safe arrival.


We appreciate your cooperation in keeping all our Harvest Hills students safe.


Peter McKenna, Principal

Harvest Hills Public School